Built from the ground up for the broadcast industry, Voila uses site activity and social media data to deliver valuable video and audio product features:
Discover and keep track of favourite shows and personalities
Use all existing product and platform data to extend user journeys, drive login and broaden usage
Zero-hassle Software as a Service, with a simple RESTful API
Data ownership doesn't change. Works with existing T&Cs, everything is stored and processed in the EU
MetaBroadcast was founded in 2007 around a vision of Simple Social Broadcasting - a realisation that online TV experiences can be enhanced by adding a social dimension. Since then we have learned a lot about the benefits and also the challenges of integrating Social Media and Broadcasting. "Social TV" is now en-vogue, and an integral part of our wider, more practical vision.
Voila is informed by our work on no less than six separate prototypes:
This in-depth experience has taught us how to deliver simple, powerful features on top of todays' rich sources of data, including but not limited to social data
Practical Social Media Integration
Kick-start personalisation by recapturing like and tweet data about your shows, and those of your competitors.